
At Fawkner Primary School, we provide a supportive learning environment for all students and their families. We are proud to offer a range of programs/opportunities including:

  • Four specialist classes: The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Italian and
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
  • Phonics-based programs: Little Learners Love Literacy and Soundwaves.
  • Berry St Education Model, Respectful Relationships and the Zones of Regulation to develop the wellbeing and social skills of all students
  • Buddies program that encourages positive relations between Foundation and Grade 6 students: creating a support network for the younger students as well as building leadership skills for our future graduates
  • Transition programs to support a smooth transition from kindergarten – primary school, as well as Grade 6 – secondary school
  • We celebrate diversity through a range of exciting and engaging learning opportunities.
  • 1:1 Chromebooks for all students in Grades 3-6
  • iPads in all Foundation – 2 classrooms
  • Excursions/Incursions
  • Breakfast Club
  • Lunchtime Clubs
  • Whole-School Assembly where families are invited to come along and celebrate the learning that has taken place
  • Whole-School events including House Sports, Harmony Day, Book Week and National Simultaneous Storytime
  • Participation in the VHAP (Victorian High-Ability Program) for selected students


Starting school is a giant milestone in every child’s life. At Fawkner Primary School we aim to create an inclusive and enjoyable classroom to help students with their learning and development. It is our goal to provide a learning environment that will motivate, challenge and support students in their journey to be lifelong learners. To assist with the move from Kindergarten to Foundation, we run a transition program in the lead-up to starting school.

Foundation students transition to attending school from 9:00-3:30. We focus on routines, expectations and relationships. Foundation students learn about letters and sounds through the Little Learners Love Literacy program and practice counting and number recognition and develop their problem-solving skills during Numeracy sessions. We provide adjustments for all learning abilities and pride ourselves on being inclusive and engaging.

Grade 1/2

Grade 1/2 is a wonderful year for all our students. They are supported to challenge themselves and are provided many opportunities to become independent learners.
Students have the opportunity to work independently, with a partner and within groups during our engaging Literacy and Numeracy sessions.

During Literacy sessions, students have the opportunity to read books that help them develop their comprehension skills during Guided Reading sessions. In our Writing sessions, we investigate different styles such as narrative, poetry, information reports and procedural texts.

During Numeracy, explicit instruction is used in the classroom when learning new skills. Students are also encouraged to develop their problem-solving skills by participating in a wide range of open-ended questions. Some other wonderful learning opportunities for our 1/2 students are Integrated Studies, Wellbeing and Library.

Grade 3/4

In the Middle Years, we challenge students to become independent learners through a variety of learning styles. Students work in the whole class, in small groups, in partnerships and individually to complete tasks.

Our daily structure includes a two-hour Literacy block where our students develop their understanding of Reading, Writing and Speaking and Listening, a Numeracy block that includes learning about numbers and applied topics through explicit teaching and problem-based tasks. Students are involved in an Integrated Topic unit based where they investigate and research contemporary topics.

Selected students participate in ‘Animal Assisted Therapy’ (Canine Comprehension), where a therapy dog comes to school and improves students’ social skills and emotional development.

Grade 5/6

Grade 5/6 operates with three teachers who are committed to the learning of all students. The Grade 5/6 Program is based on the Victorian curriculum, a set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.

Students participate in sustained reading daily and are grouped according to their needs. Teachers plan and track the progress of students throughout the year whereby students may move within these groups when necessary. In Writing, students produce narratives, information reports, persuasive texts and various forms of poetry. Students are also encouraged to develop their Speaking and Listening skills throughout the year with class presentations. Lessons in Maths involve teaching the proficiencies of understanding, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning which are fundamental to working mathematically.

Students are provided a range of leadership opportunities, including participating in the National Young Leaders Day, Junior School Council meetings and the possibility of becoming our School Captains.

Specialist Subjects

Fawkner Primary School provides a STEM program for all students from Foundation to Year 6, which incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Through taking part in a range of stimulating STEM challenges and projects, we aim to create multiple opportunities for students to develop the core skills of communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.

“I enjoy when we programme the robots and do different STEM challenges”




At Fawkner Primary School students from Foundation to Year 6 are involved in a variety of stimulating and engaging learning activities that assist in developing their knowledge, understanding and skills of the Italian language.

“Italian is really fun. We get to play games/quizzes to help us understand.” 



The Arts

Fawkner Primary School provides an Arts Program for all children incorporating Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Media Arts and Music. We aim to provide activities that are enjoyable, stimulating and challenging and which promote the self-confidence of the individual.

“I enjoy the colours and different types of subjects in Art – e.g. painting, clay & photography”



Health & Physical Education

Fawkner Primary School provides a Health and Physical Education Program for all children incorporating Personal, Social and Community Health and Movement and Physical Activity. We aim to provide activities that are enjoyable, engaging and stimulating for children, that involve moving the body and developing fundamental motor skills and encouraging children to be inclusive, respectful class members during team-based games.

“I like that we get to get all of our energy out in PE”

