About Us

Principal’s Message

Meet our Principal, Roger Pell

Meet our Principal, Roger Pell

Hi, I am Roger Pell. I am really pleased and proud to have been part of the Fawkner community since 1997. I have been Principal since 2002. When I came here as a teacher way back then the school was much different to what it is now. We are very fortunate that we have a wonderful learning environment and I enjoy coming to school every day. The staff are brilliant, the children are so happy, friendly and eager to learn, and we have a lovely, caring community. Outside of school I enjoy spending time with family, doing some physical activities myself and spending time pottering around at home.

Leadership Team

Meet our Assistant Principal, Rosa Arena

Meet our Assistant Principal, Rosa Arena

Hi my name is Rosa Arena. I am the Assistant Principal of Fawkner Primary School. I have been working at the school for many years now and have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I enjoy spending time with my family and baking whilst listening to my favourite music. I also love to travel to new and exciting places.

Meet our Leading Teacher, Adam Sayers

Meet our Leading Teacher, Adam Sayers

Hi, my name is Adam Sayers and I am the Leading Teacher at Fawkner PS. I started at the beginning of 2019 and love working here. The staff, students and families are amazing! I have a range of tasks at FPS, including curriculum, planning and assessment. I enjoy spending time with my wife and daughter, playing golf, watching movies and playing with my dogs.


Roger Pell

Assistant Principal
Rosa Arena

Leading Teacher
Adam Sayers

Numeracy Learning Specialist
Lillian Hancock

Business Manager
Janice Miskimmin

Annette Pell, Tanya Nash & Louise Mifsud

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (MHWL)
Carmela Ballato

Disability Inclusion Leader
Rebecca Thompson

Lillian Hancock & Pina Di Nucci

Grade 1/2
Hannah Coatsworth, Jordan Beckerleg/Vicky Viscuso, Teaghan Rooks & Kayla Lorenzini

Grade 3/4
Ellen Sturrock, Nabiha Rustom and Jaime Winchester

Grade 5/6
Holly Russell, Lauren Bird, Scott Miller & Zoe Clinnick

Visual Art/Performing Arts
Belinda De Propertis & Asli Yuksel

Meg D’Ortenzio

Health & Physical Education
Rebecca Strangis

LOTE (Italian)
Vicky Viscuso

Ashley Manning

Integration Aides
Lisa Busuttil, Robert Don, Kim Graham, Louise Mifsud, Paula Northey, Janine O’Brien, Ruza Quinn, Anna Iaria and Diana Nader

Joe Vella

Vision & Values

Our school values underpin everything that we do at Fawkner Primary School and are part of everyday life for the staff, students and families.

We promote the school as a safe, fun learning environment where every child is valued and all children are challenged to achieve their best. Our values uphold everything we do at Fawkner Primary, and help to maintain our integrity for being the best school members we can be.


We always strive to achieve excellence in everything we do at school and at home in our personal lives. Being the best doesn’t always mean winning, it means that we have tried our hardest and put in 100% effort.


When we are honest, we are being open and truthful in our actions, thoughts and words. Honesty shows both self-respect and respect for others.


When we are kind to others, we are practising how to be caring and helpful citizens of our community. Kindness is something that doesn’t cost us anything, yet it is a valuable trait to have and will help us to succeed in life. We are demonstrating positive life skills when we are being kind to others.


We are respectful when we are polite, considerate and thoughtful to all others regardless of gender, age, race, religion or ability. We show respect to our friends, our family, teachers, and members of the community. We also try to earn the respect of others.


Being responsible school members means looking after ours and other peoples belongings and taking pride and care in our work, as well as our actions. The school has a comprehensive Personal Development Program that centres on children taking responsibility for their actions within the school context.

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